Help Menu
Please find below information to assist you in making the best use of the website as well as to help you get familiar with the Kings City development.
How to use the website
From the landing page, you can use the top menu to navigate the various landing pages. From the header, you should be able to access a download link for the project brochure. Scrolling down reveals our progress video that is easily playable from the home page. Hovering over the video will give you access to playback controls including a Play/Pause button as well as volume adjustment. By default, the video volume is set to mute.
 You can also sign up to get updates, download the Kings City Site Map and contact one of our agents using the contact details found at the bottom of the page.
Contact details are found at the bottom of the website page just above the footer. These are contacts for the developer and estate agent. Optionally, details can also be found in the Kings City Brochure and Home Owners Association Constitution.
After making 50% of your payment you can use the landing page menu to sign up or access the Home Owners Association portal using You will be asked to fill in a form to create your account that will need to be approved after completion.
Hover your mouse pointer over a stand (which is labeled with a unique number e.g 566) to view its status and size. Stands will show statuses of either being available, sold or reserved. This is made simpler by using the key on the top left corner of the map. Zoom in to see dimensions up-close by using the top right buttons (+/-) and pan/move the map, by clicking and dragging your mouse.
Numbers in blue show the length of an individual boundary in meters
Numbers in pink show the angle of a boundary
The site map is updated and uploaded weekly to the website for anyone who wants to download it.
Sales Process
Contact one of our sales representatives who will guide you through the sales and payment process. They can be reached on  +263 772 425 222 or email at
You will need copies of certified identification documents for persons to be listed on the title deeds plus your deposit to make a purchase.
The sales process includes the buyer, seller, revenue authorities as well as conveyancers.
The process is initiated by the estate agent/sales representative who is available to walk each buyer through the process.
The sales process consists of the stages outlined on this link:
Payment Options
Payments can be made in all regulated acceptable currencies. Payments can be made in ZWL as well as USD, electronically in cash or via PayPal or bank transfer.
We offer the opportunity for buyers outside the country to pay into our Escrow account in Botswana via Telegraphic Transfer (TT). The account details are provided by our sales office and agents.
House Plans
We currently have four pre-approved house plans that can be purchased through Radar Properties. There are currently two single-storey and two double-storey house plans with the option to customise to your specifics.
There is an option to build custom homes subject to approval through our architectural committee that will evaluate all custom plans inline with area building and market standards.Â
Functional, sustainability-oriented modern building plans that make use of the land area with a balance to negative space are recommended. An Architectural Guideline document is provided to each homeowner to assist in adhering to this standard.
Architectural Guidelines
These are Architectural Design Guidelines and Controls that contain the procedures, requirements and guidelines to be adhered to by every Member who wishes to effect construction, improvements or alterations to or undertake any renovation of any Stand or dwelling house.
1. The Member shall submit to the Aesthetics Review Committee for approval a full set of the proposed building plans or alteration plans which indicate both construction and design details;
2. The Member shall be liable for payment of the reasonable cost of professional scrutinizing and examination of such plans by the Estate Architect and or the Aesthetics Review Committee;
3. After the approval of such plans by the Aesthetics Review Committee the plans shall be submitted to the local authority for approval. No plan shall be submitted to the local authority unless it bears the endorsement of approval of the Aesthetics Review Committee, clearly dated, certifying that the plan complies with the Architectural Design Guidelines and Controls.
Home Owners Association (HOA) Accounts
This is an exclusive community of new homeowners under the Kings City Real Estate brand. Membership is compulsory for every registered owner of a stand in the estate. Having an HOA account gives you the opportunity to get more details on the HOA constitution and its architectural guidelines.
This is an online account issued upon registration to the Home Owners Association portal. The account allows users to stay updated by Kings City on specific project progress details and updates as well as anything pertaining to the development.
A Home Owners Association Account is created using the website which will redirect you to the Home Owners Association portal where you will fill in a form and request approval.
These are Guidelines and Controls put in place by Radar Properties to aid members in the ongoings of owning a stand within Kings City.Â
This is a committee of at least three (3) persons appointed by the Trustees, that is, an association consisting of the Developer, Architect appointed by the Developer and/or member Trustees.
A member is a person who is part of the association.
AÂ member trustee is one who is appointed by the members.
About the Developer
Radar Properties is the developer, a subsidiary of Radar Holdings Limited. Radar Holdings is also a parent company of Macdonald Bricks.Â
For more information on the two entities please visit their websites on the following links:
About the stands
The stands are currently priced at $13.65/sqm and the price of each stand is calculable at the same rate. The price includes VAT.
Stands range from 2000m² to 6000m². With time, 400, 600 as well as 1000m² should be made available.